Fibre is an important component in your horse’s diet. While both chaff and Smart Chaff will be excellent sources for fibre in the diet, there are a few notable differences that may cause you to switch from traditional loose chaff to a convenient-to-feed, like our pelleted Smart Chaff.
Some chaffs like oaten and wheaten chaff can have very high levels of sugar and starch (aka NSCs). In fact, oaten and wheaten chaff can range from as low as 4% to 45% NSC depending on variables such as plant maturity and seasonal variation. Even lucerne chaff, which tends to be low in NSC, can creep up to 15% NSC in some cases. When they are on the low end of NSC, these chaffs can be excellent for horses who may require lower NSC levels due to metabolic concerns (like laminitis), or fizzy horses that are sensitive to NSC levels in their diet. However, since these levels are so highly variable, looking for a fibre option with guaranteed levels of NSCs is ideal. Our Smart Chaff contains a guaranteed max NSC of 10%, making it safe for horses who are sensitive to NSCs.
Cereal chaffs like oaten and wheaten chaff tend to have higher levels of phosphorus than calcium. In our horse’s diets, to support strong, healthy bones, we should aim to have around twice as much calcium in the diet as phosphorus. When feeding chaffs high in phosphorus, we run the risk of disrupting that balance, and potentially can negatively affect your horse’s bone health. Smart Chaff is fortified with calcium and phosphorus to help ensure this healthy balance of calcium and phosphorus in the diet.
Everyone who feeds chaff knows how messy and dusty it can be. The light, fluffy chaff easily floats away with a light breeze, resulting in a lot of wastage. Feeding a pelleted chaff, like Smart Chaff, can reduce the amount of wastage, meaning the money you spend on chaff isn’t scattering on the floor with it. Pelleted products will naturally be less dusty than loose chaff, meaning it is better for your horse’s lungs.
Horses with poor dentition, those prone to choke, or those who are in need of more hydration can benefit from soaked feed. Unlike loose chaff, pelleted chaff like Smart Chaff soaks down easily. This is especially beneficial for senior horses with dental issues as it can help ensure they are getting enough fibre in their diet in a safe and healthy way. Smart Chaff pellets can double in size with added water, making them great for getting more water into your horses diet, helping with hydration and digestive health.
For most horses (excluding high performance horses), feeding pure lucerne chaff in addition to their normal diet can easily exceed their protein requirements. Most, if not all, of your horse’s protein requirements are already covered by their pasture and/or hay. If the hay/pasture doesn’t fully cover their protein requirements, the addition of a concentrate feed will likely ensure your horse’s protein needs are more than covered. Excess protein in the diet is not beneficial to horses and is excreted from the body in the form of urea. Why waste money on additional protein when your horse doesn’t need it? Smart Chaff contains a moderate level of protein to support your horse’s protein needs without overdoing it. If you are wondering if your horse is getting enough protein in their diet, contact us for a free diet evaluation by our nutritionist to assess your horse’s diet.
For horses who don’t require hard feed, feeding powdered supplements can easily become a nightmare. SmartChaff is a highly palatable option to mix supplements. With regular chaff, powders and pellets just sink down to the bottom of the bucket where they will likely be left. Soaked SmartChaff makes it easy to blend powders and pellets into to ensure your horse is getting the best nutrition possible.
Pelleted chaff pellets, like Smart Chaff, are excellent low-sugar treat options for your horses. Horse’s respond very well to positive reinforcement with treats – after all the way to your horse’s heart is through their stomach! Smart Chaff pellets are perfect for keeping in your pocket to treat your horse for a job well done.
Smart Chaff presents a compelling alternative to traditional loose chaff, offering consistent NSC levels, balanced calcium-phosphorus ratios, reduced wastage and dust, and ease of soaking. With its moderate protein content and suitability as a low-sugar treat, Smart Chaff is a versatile and convenient choice for promoting optimal equine health and nutrition.
This information is published by Harwood Grains Pty Ltd T/A Harwood Grains and Stockfeeds for general purposes only. Information contained in the publication is a general guide only and not tailored for any specific purpose. Various factors, including but not limited to differing individual circumstances, may affect results and therefore Harwood Grains and Stockfeeds does not warrant or guarantee any results from products used as outlined in the publication. To the extent permitted by law, Harwood Grains and Stockfeeds will not be liable for any claim, liability, expense or loss arising from use or misuse of products supplied, or from any reliance upon information provided in the published information. If there is any uncertainty regarding feeding regimes or the inclusion of supplements, please contact Harwood Grains and Stockfeeds on 03 5339 8176.
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