Lamb Grower contains a balanced profile of grains, roughage, protein, vitamins and minerals to supply essential nutrients to young lambs. This complete feed helps to support the growth of developing lambs and aids in immune health.
Lamb Grower includes a rumen buffer to help prevent rumen acidosis (grain poisoning).
High in energy, with high quality true proteins to achieve desired growth rates and optimize feed conversion efficiency.
Contains a buffer to help reduce the risk of ruminal acidosis.
Provides balanced nutrients with 16% crude protein and fortified with essential vitamins and minerals that help to support growth and immune health.
Formulated from a selection of the following ingredients: Wheat, Barley, Oats, Oat Hulls, Almond Hulls, Canola Meal, Canola Oil, Lupins, Pollard, Molasses, Lime, Magnesium Oxide, Salt, Ammonium Chloride/Sulphate, Rumen Buffer, Vitamin and Mineral Premix.
Including full nutritional information and feeding directions
High in energy, with high-quality true proteins to achieve desired growth rates and optimize feed conversion efficiency.
Provides balanced nutrients with 14% Crude Protein and fortified with essential vitamins and minerals that help to support growth and immune health.
Contains a buffer to help reduce the risk of ruminal acidosis.
Added acidifying agent to assist in the management of urinary calculi (aka water belly).
Antibiotics and medication-free.
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