Beneficial for gastrointestinal health, Smart Chaff helps to reduce risk of gut upset (such as colic), by preventing starch overload in the hindgut.
Developed for horses of all disciplines, Smart Chaff is made of 100% Australian ingredients. As a low sugar and starch feed, it is safe for horses with metabolic concerns such as laminitis, equine metabolic syndrome (EMS), or pituitary pars intermedia disease (PPID, also known as Cushing’s disease).
Smart Chaff contains a balanced calcium and phosphorus levels to help optimise bone health.
Smart Chaff can replace up to 50% of the hay or pasture ration when supply or quality is low. It soaks down well, making it an ideal roughage source for senior horses with poor dental health or arthritis.
In a unique chunk form, it is also suitable to be fed as a treat, especially for horses who require low sugar/starch (NSC) treats.
Low sugar/starch (NSC) formula to supply cool conditioning for all horses.
Excellent option for senior horses, horses with metabolic concerns and more!
Can provide a nutritionally consistent replacement for hay or pasture when supply or quality is poor.
Formulated from a selection of the following ingredients: Premium Lucerne (Ground), Premium Grass Hay (Ground), Lupin Hulls, Oat Hulls, Canola Oil, Calcium Carbonate, Monodicalcium Phosphate, and Bentonite.
No Fizz
High Fibre
Bone Support
Including full nutritional information and feeding directions
Fully fortified complete feed with essential vitamins and minerals
Nutrient-dense pellet designed to complement a forage-based diet or to balance other complete feeds when they’re fed below the recommended feeding rate.
High quality protein sources to promote muscle building and topline development.
Scientifically formulated Gastropak added for digestive support.
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